Today, there exists a tragic and often under-reported affliction plaguing guitar players. According to national studies, a full 10 out of 10 will suffer at some point in their lives from PDS (Pick Disappearance Syndrome). But you can make a difference. Help Anthology Gear finally stop PDS in its tracks by gifting your beloved guitar players with a guitar pick wallet. Thusly equipped and cured, that beloved guitar player of yours will always have a special place in their heart for you.
Love the pick slots! Perfect birthday gift for guitar players!
"As a leather worker myself, I can vouch for the quality of seam work and finish."
"Even if it didn’t hold guitar picks, it would be a great wallet. But it does hold guitar picks, so you’re always ready to rock!!!"
"In case of an impromptu jams session I love being prepared in having a pick on me at all times."